About us
Dress & Fiesta is a trendy online shop that sells a wide selection of handpicked clothing and Accessories with focus on Party and Evening Dresses.
We want you to find and enjoy trendy items at affordable prices.
Our products are all Shipped from USA, 4 to 5 Business days.
- Items in the Luxury brand Category : ship from Europe ,Italy. up to 10 Business days.
We also have a line of long Evening Dresses and Bandage Dresses that ships from our shop in Europe or from our warehouse in France.
We are
Located in Texas, USA
Please feel free to write to us for any questions : sales@dressandfiesta.com / sales@chic-dress.com
for information About Shopping from Europe please feel free to Contact our Store in Europe: land line: +34963686061
whatsapp: or call +34727751080